What the stars have in store for you this month and it could be a tough one for Aquarians

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your Minor Grand Trine is pointing to transformation in your career or general life direction. It’s huge and changes are needed to get you to finally fulfil your heart’s desires. Doing something just for money doesn’t cut it anymore, you need to feel fulfilled. There are new beginnings also around your important relationships and partnerships. Watch for overspending with the full moon in your House of Money by taking care of your possessions and finances.

 Taurus (April 20-May 20)

It’s time to expand your life through study, travel or spirituality. It doesn’t matter if you’re a lawyer, banker or whatever, there’s another side of life you’re being called to. Your potential is so much larger than you currently know and the stars are encouraging you to surge forward into new vistas. It may be you need to cut off some old redundant parts of life so you have space for wonderful new things coming. Your everyday life, work and health have a new start. Relationships are transforming too.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Starting the month, the great cycle of endings and beginnings is blessing your joint resources and intimacy zone. As one door closes, another opens and you’re being tempted to walk straight in. The universe wants you to spiritually grow and expand. Do not wait, lest you put on weight waiting. Expansion may also involve transformation in your everyday routine – habits, work and health. Well done, do it. Better times are coming.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

A new cycle begins in an important REALationship. Let go of the past to embrace the future. This is big and the heavens want you to grow as a person. If you have legal matters, changes happen to move these forward. Creativity and intelligence help you positively plan for the future. Your home and family have a new start and there’s also changes regarding your groups, friends and connections. Onwards and upwards to fulfil your heart’s desires.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

A major change occurs in your everyday life. Perhaps there’s a productive impulse to improve your work, habits or wellbeing? A change in diet, a new exercise regimen or perhaps you become an efficiency expert at work? Whatever happens, your daily grind improves and you look to the sky rather than the ground just in front of you. A surge of hope and optimism comes shining through. Communications, study or distant family members have a new start. Your life mission is key.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) 

You have a lot of very powerful aspects this month ensuring transformation, especially concerning women. If you’re a woman, then buckle up beautiful for a full-on ride. Change visits your leisure and pleasure zone and this could involve romance. Entertainment becomes more important and it’s time to socialise and meet new people. There’s a new start with your finances or possessions and a revolution is at hand expanding your horizons. Travel, study and spirituality are now on the agenda.

 Libra (September 23-October 22)

Home and family are key this month. There’s substantial change, are you thinking about interior decorating or renovations? Money could be spent and your daily life becomes more spiritual, even if you feel a bit confused at first. The overall effect is positive. Take care of your health and wellbeing by changing your diet or exercise routine. You become even more perceptive and there’s an internal new beginning in your core beliefs or identity.

 Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

The way you communicate is transforming and you may even become more mysterious than usual. You have an attractive aura aided by beautiful Venus. Are you thinking about retraining or study? It’s a great idea! If you wish to promote yourself or a business, best delay until after the 18th when Mercury agrees with you. Your sense of spirituality is growing and there’s transformation around important relationships. So do watch for clues in your positive transFORMation.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) 

A new financial cycle will soon begin. Do watch your spending now however, it’s not the time for frivolous purchases. Also if there’s someone who is unavailable to you, it’s not the best time now to make a move. You may receive spiritual messages from your subconscious, so be on the lookout in your dreams or those quite little life moments when you stop thinking for just a bit. Friends and groups have a new start whilst your wellbeing, work and habits are transformed.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 

You’re transforming at the core of your being now and others might notice a softer, more harmonious side to you. Your identity is upgrading and it’s great. You might invest in new clothes, hair or makeup to showcase the new you in the best possible light. You’re more likely to attract new friends and connections now with Venus blessing your house of connections. Your career or general life direction benefits as you emerge from your shell.

 Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

There are internal rumblings and no I don’t mean your stomach. Deep down within you’ve had enough of something that isn’t working well. This is fab because a new path is being prepared now for you to walk. Life can be easier and far more pleasant. The sun is shining on you, and everything gets bigger and brighter as your general life direction becomes more beautiful. This will positively affect your finances and your career. New horizons call you.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

New friends and connections are the stuff that makes your world go around. You could let go of relationships that no longer suit, to make space for some wonderful new people to enter your life. Some of these people may somehow be ‘exotic’ or have connections to foreign lands. Thoughts of travel, education or spirituality flit across your mind. Intense emotions around joint resources or intimacy are possible, so do watch how you communicate this month. Try to be just a tad more objective.

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