What’s the Best Pain Relief for Cancer?

Cancer and cancer treatment both come with their fair share of undesirable side effects, including pain. Of course, while pain caused by cancer itself that something requires treatment, it can be especially difficult to deal with pain caused by the treatment itself. Many patients may currently be seeking out ways to better cope with this pain as they move forward with their treatment. However, the question is often, what’s the best pain relief for cancer? If you are looking for relief from pain caused by your cancer and its treatment, let’s take a look at some viable pain relief options and what may be the best option for you.

Natural remedies

At the bare minimum, some people may wish to pursue natural remedies that serve to reduce their overall pain (in addition to their current treatment plan). One commonly used natural solution is marijuana, for which some experience great relief from their pain and nausea associated with chemotherapy. For others, however, the high that they receive from THC can make them feel disoriented and anxious. In order to deal with this problem, some have been turning to a substance known as cannabidiol (CBD). Cannabidiol is another substance that is found within the hemp plant, but unlike THC, CBD does not come with any psychoactive effects. While much research still needs to be conducted on CBD and its potential pain-relieving effects, you may want to speak with your doctor to see if this is something you can pursue. Whether you decide to smoke hemp flower products or use tincture oils, look to authoritative resources like Plain Jane to learn more about how CBD functions and what types of products you should use.

Other popular alternative pain relief methods used by cancer patients include acupuncture, massage therapy, and aromatherapy, just to name a few. Not all of them will be right for you, but you may find one or two strategies that help to make your pain more manageable.

Over-the-Counter Medications

Over-the-counter medications (OTC) are proven to relieve pain and are easy to access, making them the perfect solution for those who need guaranteed pain relief quickly. Some commonly used OTC pain medications include aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen. While these pain relievers are considered to be safer than medications that need to be prescribed, they still come with certain side effects and may cause damage with continued use over time. If you plan on using OTC medications to manage your pain, speak with your doctor to learn more about the potential dangers and how you can make sure that you use your chosen OTC medication safely as you navigate treatment.

Prescription Medications

Visiting your local center for cancer treatment in Howell, NJ, typically means receiving treatment that comes with positive effects but undesirable side effects. This kind of pain often requires something more powerful than alternative treatments or OTC medications. Prescription medications are prescribed for serious day-to-day pain that you would not be able to manage otherwise. The most commonly prescribed medications often include opioids like codeine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone. However, there are some other prescription medications that may make a difference, such as anti-seizure medications, antidepressants, and certain steroids designed to reduce inflammation.

If you are prescribed a medication, make sure to follow your doctor’s directions and report to them if you find that the pain is still difficult to deal with. Attempting to take more than recommended can cause serious issues like overdose or addiction. Working with your doctor will produce the best results when it comes to treatment and pain management.

So, what is the best pain relief for cancer? The answer depends upon your level of pain and your current treatment plan. Your doctor will most likely prescribe you certain medications to deal with your pain. However, beyond that, you may be able to find natural methods or OTC medications that can help reduce your pain further. Just make sure that you speak with your doctor before starting any new treatments to make sure that you are using them safely!