An Australian bikini model dubbed the ‘world’s hottest grandma’ says an English nanna also claiming the crown ‘is going to have to fight for it’.
Gina Stewart, 47, rose to prominence after taking out the Miss Maxim Australia title earlier this year, with her looks and the fact she was a grandmother leading to international headlines.
But her unofficial title as the ‘world’s hottest nanna’ was challenged over the weekend by British kickboxer Carrie Hilton, 36, who boasted to Daily Mail Australia: ‘I’m the hottest… there is no competition here.’
While she is amused by all the attention the pair have received, Ms Stewart has now hit back, joking with her ‘rival’ that she won’t give up the title easily.
Australian model and grandmother Gina Stewart (pictured) has told a British woman claiming to be the ‘world’s hottest nanna’ that she is going to ‘have to fight for it’

Grandma? Carrie Hilton (pictured) welcomed her first grandchild into the world earlier this year when her daughter Clarice gave birth to baby Jessica
‘I’ve never claimed the title of ‘world’s hottest grandmother’ it was given to me by the world press and fans all over the world,’ Ms Stewart said.
‘Carrie Hilton is gorgeous and so is every other woman out there. Carrie is welcome to the title but she will have to fight for it!
‘I entered Maxims competition in the hope of winning the prize money for my friend Jodi who recently suffered a stroke. Somehow word got out about my age… (and) it started a whole new story.’
Ms Hilton from Bolton, in north-west England, became a grandmother for the first time earlier this year when her daughter Clarice, 17, gave birth to baby Jessica.
Just days later the fitness fanatic, who has spent more than AUD$23,000 (£13,000) on cosmetic surgery, became a social media hit when she publicly announced herself as the ‘world’s hottest nanna’.
Left unimpressed after finding out about Ms Stewart’s claims to the title Ms Hilton laid down the gauntlet, claiming there was no doubt she is the better of the pair.

Wonder from Down Under: Ms Stewart (pictured, with her youngest daughter) has also been dubbed a contender for the title of ‘world’s hottest grandma’

Regrets: Ms Stewart had a breast augmentation more than a decade ago, a procedure she says she wishes she never had

Like mother, like daughter: Ms Stewart (pictured with one of her daughters) has four children aged between four and 27
‘She (Ms Stewart) looks good for her age, I admit, I’m doubtful that she’s not had any work done, in terms of Botox and quite a few beauty treatments,’ the Englishwoman told Mail Online.
‘I was dubbed “Britain’s most glamorous granny” in January and then the “worlds hottest granny” by various media outlets around the world shortly after (Clarice gave birth).
‘I’m the hottest granny, there is no competition here.’
While Ms Hilton has spent a small fortune on cosmetic work to aid her appearance, mother-of-four Ms Stewart has only gone under the knife once.
Low on confidence after being bullied as a child, she said the decision to get breast implants is one she now looks back on with regret.
‘I grew up self hating from bullying at school and listening to people’s judgement on the way I should look,’ Ms Stewart said.
‘I went under the knife 11 years ago for breast augmentation and I regret it.
‘Knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t have had that surgery as it made no difference to my confidence. I was still judged on my breast size.

Family photo: Ms Hilton (left), 36, her daughters Clarice (right), 17, and Casey (front), five, and granddaughter Jessica (left)

Controversy: ‘I’m the hottest granny, there is no competition here,’ Ms Hilton (pictured), who has spent AUD$23,000 (£13,000) on cosmetic surgery, told Mail Online

Through the generations: Ms Hilton (back left), her mother Jo (front left), her daughter Clarice (middle), her grandmother and granddaughter Jessica (right) pose for a family photo
‘I have had no other procedures and I will try to encourage other woman that we are beautiful without all this modern medicine that’s filled with chemicals that we are putting into our perfectly healthy bodies.’
Ms Hilton, who works as a media sales manager, is a black belt in kickboxing and has won six silver medals for the U.K at international level.
While training up to five times a week keeps her fit, she has also had breast implants, teeth bonds, hair extensions, brows and lashes, and Botox to ensure she maintains her youthful appearance.
‘When shop assistants and people at the gym hear Clarice saying “Mum” they ask her to repeat herself. Then I tell them I’m a nanny and they go: “No way!”,’ Ms Hilton told The Sun earlier this year.
‘I’ve always been fit and active. I don’t go out much, all I do is work and train, so I haven’t used the fact I’m a grandma to fend off any young men.’
‘I’ve had lots of messages from admirers. Most of them asking for dates or sex. I’ve even had some people asking to marry me.’
An advocate for ‘ageing gracefully’, Ms Stewart last year revealed her skin and beauty secrets.
‘I drink alkaline water only, it’s got lots of minerals in it as well. Rosehip oil is also my secret weapon, I swear by it, it is anti-ageing,’ she said.

Ms Stewart (pictured), who lives on the Gold Coast, claims she has only gone under the knife to have breasts implants

Ms Stewart has more than 75,000 followers on Instagram dwarfing her British counterpart Ms Hilton, who has over 16,000

Selfie: Ms Hilton (pictured) regularly shares racy and intimate photos with her more than 16,000 Instagram followers

Model: A keen kickboxer, Ms Hilton trains up to five times a week to keep fit, but has also had cosmetic surgery including – breast implants, teeth bonds, hair extensions, brows and lashes, and Botox
‘Basically what I do is I cleanse and I put this on my face afterwards – that’s my daily routine.’
A Daily Mail Australia poll of close to 2,000 readers asking them to pick the ‘world’s hottest grandmother’ saw Ms Stewart come out on top with 68 per cent of the vote, compared to just 32 per cent for Ms Hilton.
The Aussie beauty is also winning the Instagram battle with more than 75,000 followers dwarfing Ms Hilton, who has just over 12,000, but says that’s not what is important to her.
‘I think everyone is beautiful. I’m not doing this for attention as I hate it. I’m just trying to make a difference to inspire women not to rip each other apart,’ Ms Stewart said.
‘Life is too short for judgement. Embrace your age and your curves, it never killed anyone.’