5 Tips to Boost Your Energy to Cope with Winter Tiredness

You may have noticed changes in your mood or energy recently as the days get shorter, colder and darker. Winter tiredness is a known phenomenon experienced by many that explains affective disturbances to mood and energy, occurring in line with the onset of the winter season. Winter tiredness can make daily tasks more challenging due to increased feelings of fatigue and increased difficulty concentrating and relaxing.

What is winter tiredness?

Winter tiredness is experienced due to decreased sunlight and significant changes to circadian rhythm, results in a marked increase in melatonin release inducing drowsiness and fatigue. Melatonin is the hormone responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle, it is released by the pineal gland into the bloodstream in response to darkness to instigate sleep.

Whilst winter tiredness is common, it may be a symptom of winter depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD is a known medical condition which describes more severe symptoms of depression that are significantly worse in the winter months. SAD is rare but very treatable following diagnoses from a doctor. Whilst winter tiredness is prevalent, strategies to improve energy are not immediately apparent… so what can you do to improve your energy?

How can you boost your energy this winter?

  1. Exercise

Exercising when you feel tired might sound counterintuitive, however, exercise is effective at improving mood through the subsequent release of endorphins and a sense of euphoria; it is also a great outlet to reduce stress which in turn can be additive to mental health and motivation. If you are not feeling motivated to exercise, try to approach it with a sense of conviction and determination in that you know you will feel better afterwards.

Exercise is also important in regulating sleep as feeling physically tired can help to increase the need for an earlier night’s sleep. Exercise is effective at helping to maintain a routine, which can help to establish a more regular sleep-wake cycle and ensure better quality sleep.

  1. Diet

Monitoring your diet to avoid rapid weight gain or loss during the winter months is crucial, both extremes can make you feel low on energy. Eating healthy foods and avoiding junk food high in sugar is important, as the low following the sugar rush can leave you feeling devoid of energy. Furthermore, it is important to keep your dietary vitamin D intake high (e.g. sourced from Oily fish, fortified products, eggs), which is usually sourced from sunlight, as a lack of vitamin D can leave you feeling tired. Vitamin D intake is important due to its role in maintaining bone, teeth and muscle health.

  1. Keep healthy

The colder months are prime for the increased likelihood of illness (e.g. cold and flu) due to the increased close proximity of working inside and consequent rapid transmission. Colds and flu can be detrimental to motivation and energy due to the intensity of symptoms, therefore, effective treatment should be identified from a reliable source such as Pharmica Online Pharmacy. Furthermore, asthma symptoms can be exacerbated due to the colder weather and lung irritation. Therefore, effective asthma treatment must be reviewed and obtained to ensure symptoms do not disrupt exercise, health and well-being. It is also imperative to focus on maintaining a healthy diet, keeping physically active and ensuring sufficient sleep.

  1. Sleep quality

Improving sleep quality and routine is imperative for establishing a healthy sleep-wake cycle; especially due to the disruptive nature of the later darker mornings and earlier darker evenings. It is important to ensure that you allow for roughly 8 hours of sleep per night for optimum rest and recovery; make sure the room is dark and slightly cool rather than hot to allow a deeper sleep. Exercise can also help to regulate sleep as it can increase the demand for rest and recovery following physical exertion.

  1. Switch off and relax

Poor sleep quality can be due to difficulty with relaxing. It is important to wind down in the evenings to reduce the chance of having a restless night’s sleep. It may be worthwhile abstaining from digital devices at least an hour before you go to bed, reading a book may offer an effect alternative activity to help you get tired. It is also important not to sleep during the day at weekends, this may disrupt your sleep cycle and negatively impact the beginning of your working week making you feel lethargic.

Improving your energy in the winter months may be successful following the implementation of multiple lifestyle alterations. The main focus of improving your energy originates around establishing routine and sleep quality, however, if you are finding it especially challenging to stay motivated and you experience accompanying symptoms it may be worthwhile to see a doctor for further guidance.