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All posts in: Health

BMA: Most GPs want to close surgery lists to new patients

More than half of GPs want to close their surgery lists to new patients, a survey has found. A total of 54 per cent of senior family doctors said they would be ... read more

Half of NHS dental practices won’t take new adults

A lack of NHS dentists is forcing people to pull their own teeth out, as half of practices will not accept new patients. The British Dental Association says the... read more

Bake-Off’s Chris Geiger writes moving account of cancer

The Great British Bake Off’s Chris Geiger has written an incredibly moving account of his battle with cancer that ‘should have killed within three m... read more

Cellular ‘time machine’ could offer Parkinson’s treatment

Biologists have turned back the clock on ageing in the cells of fruit flies, by increasing levels of a protein called Drp1. This cellular time machine was found... read more

Unqualified NHS staff are labelled as nurses

Unqualified care assistants are practising in the NHS with job titles that describe them as nurses with advanced skills, experts have revealed. A new study foun... read more

Kapanu 3D gives patients virtual view of expected health

If you want to see exactly what your teeth will look like after you have major work, scientists may finally have the answer. Pioneering new technology gives den... read more

Yoga and meditation could help you get that promotion

Yoga and meditation could help you get that promotion, new research suggests. Just 25 minutes of stretching and mindfulness improves people’s goal-directe... read more

Meat increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 23% 

Eating meat increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 23 per cent, new research reveals. People who consume the highest amounts of red meat raise their lik... read more

Girl died from meningitis after rash dismissed as bruise

A six-year-old girl died from meningitis after nearly a two-hour wait to see a doctor who then dismissed her rash as ‘just a bruise’. Layla-Rose Erm... read more

Eat fish while pregnant to protect kids from schizophrenia

Eating oily fish while pregnant may protect children from developing schizophrenia when they grow older, new research suggests. In trials on mice, scientists fo... read more

Marijuana use does NOT affect teenager’s IQ

Cannabis use does not affect teenager’s IQ, new research reveals. Taking the drug between the ages of 12 and 18 does not cause adolescent’s intellig... read more

NC woman loses 98lbs with virtual gastric band app

A mother-of-three who almost died from a brain haemorrhage was inspired to drop an incredible 98 lbs (7 stone) using hypnosis. Victoria Saldana, from North Caro... read more

Plastic is in more than 80% of tap water around the world

More than 80 per cent of the world’s tap water is contaminated with plastic, new research reveals. The US has the highest contamination rate at 93 per cen... read more

Texas woman saved by lung transplant meets donor’s mother

This is the moving moment a woman whose life was saved by an organ transplant met her donor’s mother. Selwa Mitchell, 39, who suffers from cystic fibrosi... read more

Lisa Riley opens up about jawdropping 12 stone weight loss

She shed 12 stone after putting herself on a strict diet and gruelling exercise regime for 18 months. But Lisa Riley has revealed she faced another rather more ... read more

Women are waiting 10 years for docs to spot endometriosis

Women are needlessly suffering a crippling womb condition for up to ten years before they are diagnosed, the NHS watchdog says. GPs and specialists frequently o... read more

Humans are STILL evolving | Daily Mail Online

A massive study analyzing the genomes of 210,000 people in the United States and Britain has found a range of diseases including are being ‘weeded out... read more

Dr Bennet Omalu says kids should avoid lacrosse and soccer

The doctor who inspired the Will Smith movie Concussion says teenagers should not play lacrosse or ice hockey – and only over-14s should play soccer.  Th... read more

Sleep deprivation can affect a couple’s marriage

Sleeping more than seven hours a night can help solve a couple’s marriage problems, experts say.  Researchers analyzed couples response to stressful situ... read more

Zika can kill brain tumors like John McCain’s, study says

Zika virus kills brain tumors like John McCain’s, according to new research. The mosquito-borne infection is most widely-known for causing birth defects i... read more

Don’t swim while wearing contact lenses, study warns

Don’t swim while wearing contact lenses if you don’t want to contract a flesh-eating eye bug that could potentially leave you blind. Acanthamoeba ke... read more

Girl, 4, dies from malaria leaving doctors baffled

A four-year-old girl in Italy has died of malaria – prompting fears that the mosquito-borne disease has returned to the country after decades.  Sofia Zago d... read more

Heart disease is more likely if you stand at work

Standing all day at work makes you twice as likely to develop heart disease than sitting, experts say. Desks that allow workers to stand all day are a new trend... read more

Type 2 diabetics are not taking their medications

More than a third of type 2 diabetics aren’t taking their life-saving drugs, a major new review has found. Experts say patients who are failing to take th... read more