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All posts in: Health

Lincolnshire para-triathlete left paralysed after diving

A mother-of-two left paralysed from the waist down in a freak diving accident has overcome her injuries to become a gold medal winning para-triathlete. Liz McTe... read more

Prostate Cancer UK says GPs are ignoring black men

Time-stretched doctors are ignoring black men who face double the risk of prostate cancer, a charity warns. Prostate Cancer UK said such patients are ‘sli... read more

Babies given trial TB jab ‘that did not work on monkeys’

Oxford University scientists went ahead and gave human babies a trial tuberculosis (TB) vaccine that was found to ‘not work on monkeys’, it has been... read more

Stigma stops women seeking help for postnatal depression

New mothers are hiding postnatal depression because they’re afraid of being labelled a ‘bad mother’, a new study has found. Women also say the... read more

Mum can’t have NHS tuck to remove skin after weight loss

A mother-of-two who lost nearly seven stone naturally but was left with a huge apron of flabby skin has been told she can’t have a tummy tuck on the NHS t... read more

When should I see a doctor about a sore throat?

Colin Dougall from LloydsPharmacy in Glasgow answers your common medicine queries As part of a weekly series, in association with LloydsPharmacy, Colin Dougall ... read more

Magnetic pulses zap ‘voices’ in schizophrenia patients

Magnetic pulses can mute the voices that torment schizophrenia sufferers, a new study has found. More than a third of patients who underwent the pioneering trea... read more

Kent father has his fingers replaced by his toes

A father-of-three whose fingers were replaced with his toes after a horrific accident has learnt how to use his new digits to hold a pen – and even peel v... read more

Implant left patient able to hear his granddaughter

Life-changing: Raymond Kelly, 91, underwent the procedure after several hearing aid IF hearing aids don’t work, then another potential option is a cochlear im... read more

Mothers-to-be shouldn’t worry about using their mobile

Women should not worry about using their mobile phone during pregnancy as it will not harm the baby’s brain, new research has found. Fears over radio freq... read more

Kirstie Allsopp had the same morning sickness as Kate

Who could fail to be cheered by the news that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting her third child? But while I am delighted for Kate, I am also overcome by an... read more

Your print-out-and-keep guide to avoiding the A&E queues

Stick a plaster on a cut, apply some ice to a nasty sprain — there was a time when minor injuries were dealt with at home after a quick rummage through the me... read more

How faulty medical tests could deny you antibiotics

Painful: Fiona Rose, 24, from Somerset, long suffered with urinary tract infections After three urinary tract infections (UTIs) in less than three years, Fiona... read more

Sorry chaps, being a kept man is bad for your health

For modern men sick of the daily grind, it may seem like the perfect solution. But stepping back from work to let your wife be the main breadwinner may not be q... read more

Can these goggles STOP you getting diabetes?

High-tech goggles that emit bright light into the eyes could stop people from developing type 2 diabetes. They work on the principle that light regulates the ac... read more

Stanley Johnson, 77, takes our health quiz

In good shape: Stanley Johnson, 77, still leads an active life which keeps him healthy CAN YOU RUN UP THE STAIRS? Yes, I can. My office is at the top of the ho... read more

A tiny umbrella cuts stroke risk, but NHS won’t fund it

Plugging a hole in the heart with an umbrella-like device can significantly reduce the risk of stroke, new studies show.  Yet the procedure is not readily avai... read more

The moment i learned my back pain was breast cancer

Shocked: Lisa Harvey made no connection between her back pain and possible cancer Like many people, Lisa Harvey was used to the occasional twinge in her back. ... read more

Pill to prevent both heart disease and diabetes

Heart disease and type 2 diabetes could be prevented by taking a single pill in the future, if predictions by scientists prove true. Both conditions, which are ... read more

Computer determines pain by analysing somone’s face

Researchers believe the system will be useful in separating ‘real pain from fake’ People express pain differently, which makes it hard for doctors t... read more

Having a purpose in life can keep you strong in old age

Having a ‘reason to get up in the morning’ can keep you strong in old age, new research suggests. Adults who see a purpose in their life are less li... read more

Breastfeeding nearly halves the risk of an asthma attack

Breastfeeding alters the gut microbiome, which influences the immune system There is no association between breastfeeding and poor asthma control Further studie... read more

Sufferers overestimate their discomfort, study reveals

Back pain may be psychological, new research suggests. People over estimate their lower back discomfort, a study found.  Lead author Dr Tasha Stanton from the ... read more

Are money problems causing you migraines?

If you’re having money problems, having a certain DNA twist could leave you more susceptible to migraines.  Going through financial hardship can trigger ... read more