Radio 1 listeners slam station for featuring YouTube star Logan Paul

Logan: Hey, um, I really hate to say this I think someone hanging right there.  I’m not even f**king kidding.

Do you see it? This isn’t a f**king joke guys.That’s a f**king person.

Friend: I think you’re f**king right.

Friend 2: Dude, what the heck? What the heck? 

Logan: I’ve never seen a dead person.

Friend : You haven’t?

Logan: No bro.

Friend: What the f**k? Oh my god, he’s hanging. 

Logan: Bro, did we just a find a dead person hanging in the suicide forest? Do you think that’s real?

Guide: Well, it could be. Because one of my classmates in junior high, he really killed himself when he was only 21.

Logan: His hands are purple, he did this this, this morning.

Friend: Oh no, I’m so sorry about this Logan, this was supposed to be a fun blog.  

Logan: What the fuck is going on? Grrr. Why, it’s sinking in bro. This wasn’t supposed to happen man.

It just doesn’t make sense. His bag is right there, he’s got stuff in his pants. Why am I still here? What the fuck are we doing?

I’ve never seen a dead person. I’ve never discovered a dead person. What the f**k? 

Friend: What are the chances we choose this part of the path?

Logan: It’s fate. 

Friend: It’s not like we can see it (from the main path). It’s right there (he gestures).

Logan (in dramatic voice): It’s how our lives unfold, there’s no going back, I’ve seen things I cant unsee. 

Friend: We’ve found a dead body.

Logan: Yep (laughs). What the f**k? 

(Addressing people in the car lot) Logan: You guys got a dead guy in the forest, four knots south east.

Friend: Four knots? That’s speed.

Logan: Well you can just tell, he’s been here before. 

I’ve got to say, this is the top five craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life

Friend: Top five?

Logan: Top one, this is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m ain’t going to be sober for this s**t. I’m gonna drink this Japanese sake. 

Me smiling and laughing is not a portrayal of how I feel about the circumstances. Everyone deals with s**t differently.

If you guys haven’t noticed,I cope with things by humor. While this is incredibly sad, I’ve said it a thousands times this is crazy.

(Addressing a mom and young child in the parking lot) Logan: One piece of advice, listen closely, don’t go over there.