Proof politicians are ALWAYS busy: Accident-prone minister, 51, admits he broke a bone in an ARM-WRESTLE with the Attorney General, 59, during a lunch-break in parliament
- Victor Dominello broke humerus after arm-wrestling with Mark Speakman
- The Attorney General said the incident did not impact their relationship
- Mr Dominello fractured his arm and had to wear a sling for several weeks
A minister has revealed he broke his arm after competing in a bizarre arm-wrestling challenge with another politician during a lunch break in parliament.
NSW Customer Service Minister Victor Dominello confirmed on Wednesday he was messing around with the state’s Attorney-General, Mark Speakman, 59, in his office, in September last year.
The 51-year-old was pictured wearing a sling for several weeks after the game which resulted in him fracturing his humerus – the long bone in the upper arm.
Victor Dominello (pictured wearing a sling) broke a bone during an arm wrestle with Mark Speakman in September last year
Mr Dominello declined to comment but his staff admitted to The Australian, he had been mucking around with Mr Speakman in his office before sustaining the injury.
‘He fractured his humerus bone and was treated in the public hospital system,’ a spokesman for Mr Dominello said.
Mr Speakman said there was no bad blood after the incident occurred.
‘I don’t have any comment except there’s been no fracturing of my relationship with Victor,’ Mr Speakman said.
Sources described Mr Speakman as the ‘strong arm of the law’ who despite being 59 was actually ‘quite fit’.

Attorney General Mark Speakman (pictured) claimed their relationship was not impacted after the incident