Insects, which comprise two thirds of all terrestrial species, have been dying off at alarming rates, with disastrous impacts on food chains and habitats.
This warning comes from German entomology enthusiasts — bug catchers — who have collected 80 million insects in the Rhine countryside over the last 37 years.
Their collection is now a world-class scientific treasure and also evidence of what is described as one of Earth’s worst extinction phases since the dinosaurs vanished.
The total annual biomass of flying insects collected has plummeted by 76 per cent since the insect-lovers began their meticulous studies.
Insects, which comprise two thirds of all terrestrial species, have been dying off at alarming rates, with disastrous impacts on food chains and habitats
Traditionally “entomology was mainly about drying and collecting rare specimens,” said Martin Sorg, president of the Amateur Entomology Society of Krefeld, on the German–Dutch border.
He and an army of volunteers have over the years gathered as many as 80 million insects that are now floating in countless ethanol bottles.
Each bottle contains the amount caught by a single insect trap over a set period, and each box represents a collection of such catches over nearly three decades.
‘Since 1982, the traps we manufacture ourselves have been standardised and controlled, all of the same size and the same material, and they are collected at the same rate in 63 locations that are still identical,’ explains Dr Sorg.
The result is a treasure trove of quantitative data that dwarfs that of any funded university project, he said.
Although he is visibly proud of the society’s research, their findings terrify him.
In the test period, the total biomass of flying insects here has plummeted by 76 per cent.
To demonstrate the rapid decline, a lab technician held up two bottles: one from 1994 contains 1,400 grammes of trapped insects, the newest one just 300 grammes.
‘We only became aware of the seriousness of this decline in 2011, and every year since then we have seen it get worse,’ says Dr Sorg.
At the time, the news did not make major waves outside of ecological circles.
Concern about biodiversity loss focused mostly on large charismatic mammal species,with environmental monitoring such as that undertaken in Krefeld considered a quaint Sunday hobby, largely ignored by the scientific community.

This warning comes from German entomology enthusiasts — bug catchers — who have collected 80 million insects in the Rhine countryside over the last 30 years
Meanwhile, just across the Dutch border, ecologist Hans de Kroon was working on the decline of birds in the region.
He hypothesised that the birds suffered from a shortage of food, especially insects, but had no data to prove it.
‘Then our German colleagues from Krefeld got in touch and said, “we have the data, we’ve witnessed a strong decline, we are very concerned, could you analyse the data?”,’ Professor de Kroon said.
‘That’s how it all started.’
In the search for the cause, the landscape around Krefeld provided clues.
In the distance, industrial chimneys billowed smoke.
On one side of the road lay a protected nature reserve. On the other, a sugar beet field was being sprayed with pesticides by an agricultural machine.
‘You see, protected reserves are not so protected,’ said Dr Sorg.

Their collection is now a world-class scientific treasure and also evidence of what is described as one of Earth’s worst extinction phases since the dinosaurs vanished
‘We must realise that here in western Europe our nature is getting smaller, the agriculture fields are very hostile to insects,’ said de Kroon.
‘There is no food, they get poisoned.’
‘And nature areas are also more and more isolated. Insects can’t move from one place to another, it’s too far away.’
Although the exact roots of the die-off is not yet clear, ‘the cause is anthropogenic, there’s no doubt about it,’ he said.
‘It is our greatest fear that a point of no return will be reached, which will lead to a permanent loss of diversity.’

The total annual biomass of flying insects collected has plummeted by 76 per cent since the insect-lovers began their meticulous studies
The Krefeld research played a central role in a meta-study published by Francisco Sanchez-Bayo and Kris Wyckhuys, of the universities of Sydney and Queensland, in Australia.
In February, they published the first synthesis of 73 studies on entomological fauna around the world over the past 40 years, covering places from Costa Rica to southern France.
They calculated that over 40 per cent of insect species are threatened with extinction and each year another one per cent is added to this list.
This is essentially ‘the most massive extinction episode’ since the dinosaurs disappeared, they said.
The main drivers appeared to be habitat loss and land conversion to intensive agriculture and urbanisation — followed by pollution, mainly from pesticides and fertilisers, invasive species and climate change.
‘The conclusion is clear,’ they wrote.
‘Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades.’