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The 3 ways to help your baby adjust when clocks go back

Sleep-deprived Britons are looking forward to an extra hour in bed when the clocks go back this weekend. But new parents across the country are too busy worryin... read more

Dylan Hartley cleared to play for England in autumn series

Three-man panel have cleared Dylan Hartley, ensuring he will not face a ban Hartley was cited after a swinging hand hit the face of Rabah Slimani last week Engl... read more

Daydreamers have more creative, intelligent minds

Daydreaming might be a sign of an efficient, creative mind, a new study suggests. Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology found that people whose minds t... read more

Flake takes his war on Trump to the airwaves

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake warned against the dangers of countenancing President Trump’s behavior in interview after interview Wednesday morning, hours after... read more

Vaginal seeding babies could give them deadly CHYLAMDIA

Mothers should not ‘vaginal seed’ their babies as transferring genitalia fluid to infants born via c-section could give them life-threatening chlamy... read more

Student faces jail after conning Beyonce fans over tickets

Zainab Pervaiz, 25, pictured arriving at Birmingham Crown Court today, is facing jail for flogging non-existent concert tickets A crooked student lawyer and En... read more

French Paypal executive stabbed to death in Dublin flat

A 37-year-old French woman has been found stabbed to death in her apartment in central Dublin in a suspected murder. The victim, named locally as Anne Colomines... read more

Marine’s wife who threw water over his lover faces jail

Polish-born Monika Fourie arrives at Plymouth Crown Court in Devon today, where she was convicted of GBH with intent A scorned wife is facing jail after being c... read more

Phones4u High Court hearing | Daily Mail Online

Nathalie Dauriac, 39, (pictured outside court today) was ‘gushing’ when she met John Caudwell, 65, who founded mobile phone firm Phones4u, Mr Justic... read more

Harry Connick Jr’s wife Jill Goodacre cancer battle

Harry Connick Jr’s wife Jill Goodacre has been battling breast cancer for five years. The former Victoria’s Secret model made the reveal in People m... read more

Corey Feldman’s plan to expose Hollywood pedophiles

Corey Feldman has revealed his plan to expose a network of Hollywood pedophiles – an explosive and incriminating film which he says will cost $10million t... read more

Author Esther Perel takes unconventional look at infidelity

By Associated Press Published: 16:24 BST, 25 October 2017 | Updated: 16:24 BST, 25 October 2017 WASHINGTON (AP) – Does infidelity mean there are problems ... read more

Harper Lee letters say LBJ wanted black, female president

Letters written by author Harper Lee suggest that former President Lyndon B Johnson hoped that the United States would one day be led by a black woman. Thirty-e... read more

Ivanka Trump dons a plaid pantsuit as she leaves home

Ivanka Trump headed out for a day of work on Wednesday morning dressed in plaid from head to toes thanks to a black and white pantsuit.   The first daughter, ... read more

IRA splinter group member is finally jailed after attack

A former member of an IRA splinter group has been convicted of attempted murder for his role in an attack on a British Army base in Germany 21 years ago. A cour... read more

Lizzie Cundy flaunts her pert assets in plunging swimsuit

She is never one to shy away from a figure-flaunting ensemble. And Lizzy Cundy was up to her old tricks as she showcased her toned physique while soaking up the... read more

Man pleads guilty to raping mother, says he blacked out

A 46-year-old man pleaded guilty on Tuesday to raping his own mother.  The felon is not being identified, so as to protect the identity of his victim (his edit... read more

Arkansas couple’s one-year-old son tests positive for meth

A couple in Arkansas have been arrested after their one-year-old son tested positive for methamphetamine, police say. Matthew Wade Faith, 46, and Brandi William... read more

De-horned rhinos of no value to poachers slaughtered

An entire breeding herd of rhino’s have been shot and killed even though most had been dehorned and were of little value to the evil gang of poachers. Dis... read more

How to get rid of guests who overstay their welcome

Etiquette expert revealed guests should leave a dinner party at 10.30pm BBC journalist Dan Walker asked his Twitter followers on getting rid of guests Users wer... read more

NSW Magistrate David Heilpern’s trauma over child porn

A magistrate who presided over the ‘worst of the worst’ child pornography cases has revealed he would have nightmares about the vile abuse and ̵... read more

Sophie Monk grills Stu Laundy about his divorce

The Bachelorette Sophie Monk was previously left shell-shocked when suitor Stu Laundy dropped the bombshell that he was still married. And in Wednesday night... read more

PIERS MORGAN: Scream snowflakes, but Trump may win again

Next week is the first anniversary of Donald Trump’s astonishing US election victory. To ‘celebrate’, thousands of Trump-hating liberals in cities like Bo... read more

Juventus cleared over Paul Pogba’s transfer to Man United

FIFA announced in May they were investigating Paul Pogba’s £89million transfer There were claims Juventus’ relationship with agent Mino Raiola brea... read more