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Data shows Harvey is bigger than anything US has seen

The scale and scope of Tropical Storm Harvey, which brought devastating flooding to an area of Texas equivalent to the size of New Jersey, has made it a 1-in-1,... read more

Man loses phone on roller-coaster finds it still recording

James Sirocco was riding The Giant Dipper in San Diego, California He thought it was a good idea to record his thrill ride on his cell phone About 40 seconds in... read more

Petrol price hikes are the highest in 15 years

Aussies are being ripped off at the petrol pump as retailers hike their prices New report shows margins made by gas companies are the highest in 15 years ACCC s... read more

How satnav drivers forget landmarks

They are designed to help us navigate more easily from A to B. But using a satnav makes people more unaware of their surroundings and less likely to remember t... read more

Hundreds of landlords fined over illegal immigrants

Hundreds of landlords have been fined in a crackdown on illegal immigration. Penalties totalling £163,000 were handed out after the Right to Rent scheme was ro... read more

Cameras love Cubs farmhand Taylor Davis’ awkward glances

Chicago Cubs farmhand Taylor Davis is making a name for himself, but that doesn’t mean the 27-year-old Iowa Cubs catcher is ready for the majors.  Instea... read more

Jab to halt breast cancer rejected by NHS watchdog

A monthly injection that halts the course of breast cancer (file pic) is set to be rejected by health officials A monthly injection that halts the course of bre... read more

Outrageous joke divides opinion on Today show

The Today show hosts were left divided on a pig-related joke on Friday morning Tim Gilbert’s cannibal joke had Karl Stefanovic in stitches but others stun... read more

Luke Rutter’s body returned after he died fighting ISIS

The body of a British man killed fighting ISIS returned home to a hero’s welcome after Kurdish commanders praised his part battling the ‘fascist org... read more

One in three nurseries could shut in a year

A third of nurseries fear going bust because of the Government’s new childcare scheme. From today, most children aged three and four are entitled to 30 ho... read more

Sour grapes from Italy claims that Prosecco rots teeth

Italians have reacted furiously to British claims that drinking too much Prosecco can damage your teeth. Earlier this week top UK dentists warned drinking the f... read more

Daily Mail staff in 18-hour ordeal in Houston flood waters

Burned from head to toe and submerged in Hurricane Harvey’s raging floodwaters, Ruaridh Connellan could feel his strength ebbing away as he clung to just ... read more

Manager of Pizza Hut in Texas uses kayaks to deliver pizza

A local Pizza Hut chain in Texas is providing affected families of Hurricane Harvey free pizzas as the state’s Gulf Coast continues to reel from the devas... read more

Richard Wilkins speaks about his son with Down Syndrome

He is one of Australia’s most recognisable TV presenters. And Richard Wilkins gave a rare interview to 9Honey’s Super Mums podcast on Thursday, desc... read more

Outercourse key to orgasm during sex expert says

New research has shown that “outercourse” could be the answer to reaching orgasm during sex. According to a Melbourne-based sex therapist and clinic... read more

European rivals plot to sabotage British airlines

Europe’s biggest airlines are conspiring to punish UK rivals after Britain leaves the EU. In a move that would result in rocketing fares and fewer flights... read more

‘Personal movie headset’ puts a cinema screen in your face

Imagine being able to have a 3D cinema experience without leaving the comfort of your sofa.  With Cinera’s 3D stereoscopic headset, this could become a r... read more

Sterling slide hits holidaymakers heading to Europe

Holidaymakers travelling to Europe are now getting just 86 cents to the pound at the airport. Critics have accused airport bureaux of ‘holding holidaymakers t... read more

Brits spend two weeks a year at work complaining

The average worker spends the equivalent of two weeks a year grumbling – with the top gripes about IT, air con and printers, a study has found. Researcher... read more

Curiosity prototype makers create Mars Rover for Earth

Finally, a martian rover to call your own. A Polish team of engineers who first created a rover in a NASA contest that eventually led to Curiosity have revealed... read more

Public school cheating row sparks exam setting probe

The cheating scandal in private schools has prompted the exams regulator to launch an inquiry, the schools minister has said. Nick Gibb said the action was ... read more

William Tyrrell is nephew of 5 Seconds of Summer guitarist

Missing boy William Tyrrell is the nephew of a 5 Seconds of Summer rock star.  Daily Mail Australia can reveal 5SOS guitarist Michael Clifford, 21, and the tod... read more

Age UK say nearly 3million pensioners struggle with bills

Charity Age UK surveyed more than 1,300 people over the age of 65 on finances It found about £3.5 billion in financial help is going unclaimed every year Direc... read more

Crack the Queens Puzzle to win a $1 million prize

A prize of $1 million (£776,478) could be taken home by anyone who can build an app to solve a supposedly ‘simple’ chess puzzle. Computer scientist... read more