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Miley Cyrus tears up while talking about Houston on Ellen

Miley Cyrus was reduced to tears Wednesday during her appearance on The Ellen Show as she sent condolences to Hurricane Harvey victims. The popstar, 24, donated... read more

Pauline Hanson turns boxing ring girl in Birdsville

Pauline Hanson has made a cameo appearance as a ring-card girl during race-eve festivities for the Birdsville Cup. The Queensland senator was ringside when Fred... read more

Family of alleged sex captive visit R Kelly’s Atlanta home

R Kelly has been accused of keeping women against their will at his Atlanta home The family of a woman allegedly being held as a ‘sex captive’ by si... read more

Supercar summer draws to a close in London

Foreign playboys parade their luxury supercars outside one of London’s most exclusive hotels as supercar season comes to a close in the capital. Each year... read more

Wild boar roams free inside a Chinese hospital

A wild boar entered a hospital in China running free and injuring a cleaner before it was eventually captured.  12 Swat officers and four policemen had to join... read more

The online forum exclusively for SHOPLIFTERS

The internet is littered with niche sites catering for the most minority interests including shoplifting. An extraordinary forum has been designed to bring thie... read more

Bull walks into bar and staff jump over counter in Spain

Footage shows the bull chasing people through the streets of Serrania Alta  Staff seemed horrified as the bull enters the shack, set up to sell drinks There we... read more

Airbnbs for under £120 in Paris, Santorini and Bali

To hotel or Airbnb – that is the question. Hotels come with the convenience of room service and clean bed linen every morning and they usually boast a buz... read more

Kabul man’s toe replaces thumb after losing it in bomb

A student who lost his thumb in a terrorist attack is finally able to do simple tasks again after having his toe transplanted onto his hand. Student Irfaan-ul-l... read more

North Korea vows to execute reporters over UK book review

North Korea has vowed to track down Seoul reporters and ‘cut off their dirty windpipes’ for reviewing a ‘vicious and distorted’ British ... read more

Christopher Cantwell hates being known as ‘crying Nazi’

White nationalist Christopher Cantwell, 36 (pictured), who claims he pepper-sprayed a demonstrator in self-defense says he hates being labeled ‘the crying... read more

NHS no longer uses post-it notes for heart transplants

The NHS no longer uses post-it notes and whiteboards to arrange life-saving heart transplants for patients, it has emerged. Instead of relying on the tradition... read more

Wife of jailed saudi blogger speaks of fear of punishment

The wife of a Saudi Arabian blogger sentenced to 1,000 lashes for ‘insulting Islam’ has said crowds were ‘cheering like they were at a beach p... read more

Wheeny Creek only Sydney suburb with no foreigners

Census data reveal there is only one place in Sydney where there are no foreign-born residents. Wheeny Creek, a tiny hamlet of just 327 people 86 kilometres no... read more

Nitrous oxide reappears in US ambulances as pain killer

Normally used in dentist’s offices and hospitals, nitrous oxide – yes, laughing gas – is starting to turn up again in ambulances in some rural... read more

Drunk lorry driver who pulled M6 U-turn spared jail

Martin Vincent Kelly, 32, attempted a bizarre three-point turn on the M6 in Cumbria A drunk lorry driver who could have caused a ‘catastrophic’ disa... read more

Story of Britain’s first football deadline day scandal

Fred Laycock played for 12 teams in the 1920s Fascinating letters which unearth one of the first ever football transfer scandals where a striker switched teams ... read more

Half a million pacemaker patients are at risk of hack

More than 465,000 patients with St Jude pacemakers are at risk of potentially fatal hacks – and need to undergo an incredibly risky ‘software update... read more

Children of insomniacs fall asleep later researchers say

Children of mothers with insomnia fall asleep later, get less shut eye and spend less time in deep sleep, new research reveals. This is not true for fathers who... read more

Case against Nazi who helped kill 3,700 to be thrown out

Hubert Zafke had faced 3,681 counts of being an accessory to murder German prosecutors have called for the case of a 96-year-old Nazi medic who helped kill thou... read more

Immigration is a ‘serious problem’ but DACA OK says poll

More than two-thirds of Americans, 68 percent, view illegal immigrants as a ‘serious problem,’ a new poll found, though almost the same percentage w... read more

Mueller and New York AG cooperating on Manafort probe

Special counsel Robert Mueller´s team is working with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on its investigation into President Donald Trump’s form... read more

Main US fuel pipeline shuts down amid Hurricane Harvey

The biggest fuel system in the United States is temporarily shutting down its main line because of outages at its supply points from Tropical Storm Harvey and a... read more

NY woman stole 36,000 amusement park tickets worth $1m

Rosemarie Bader, 51, allegedly used her corporate credit card from Best Trails and Travel Corporation in Red Hook, New York, to buy the tickets They were meant ... read more

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