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Mexican Routes

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Pippa Middleton cycles to luxury London gym

Pippa Matthews headed to the KX gym in Chelsea, London on Friday  She arrived by bicycle in a pair of leggings and a coral vest top from 2XU  The sister of th... read more

Anthony Weiner asks judge to delay sexting sentencing

Anthony Weiner has asked a Manhattan judge to delay the sentencing date in the case against him for sexting with a minor by nearly a month. Just three weeks bef... read more

China opens its first ‘cyber court’

China launched the world’s first internet court to handle disputes The court will focus on trade disputes and copyright lawsuits China is home to some 731... read more

Antonella Brollini reviews leave viewers in stitches

A mother has taken the internet by storm with her hilarious videos giving no-holds-barred opinions on everything from push-up bras to toilet spray. Fans admit t... read more

Meredith Kercher’s family condemn Amanda Knox visit plans

Amanda Knox is planning a return to the Italian city where she was imprisoned a decade ago — a decision which has been criticised by the family of Meredith K... read more

10 women a day seeking help from lawyers over vaginal mesh

At least 10 women each day are approaching lawyers demanding compensation for the life-changing damage caused to their bodies by controversial vaginal mesh, it ... read more

Barcelona attack: Queen sends condolence message to Spain

Queen said to King Felipe VI that terrorist attacks in his country were ‘terrible’ She added that it was ‘deeply upsetting’ when innocen... read more

Transgender bride renews her vows as a woman

A couple who first married as man and wife both donned wedding dresses to renew their vows as women after the husband came out as transgender. Midwife Denise Ta... read more

Brother interrogates 18-year-old sister’s date

Older brothers often feel it’s their responsibility to take on a protective role when it comes to their little sister. But one elder sibling went a step f... read more

Punk gets his ears sewn up after stretching them to 35mm

A punk who stretched his earlobes so wide he could fit two sharpies through the massive 35 millimeter holes has had them sewn up so that he looks ‘profess... read more

Over 60% of Americans want Confederate statues to stay

More than 60 per cent of Americans say that statues of Civil War figures associated with the defense of slavery should be left in place, a new poll has revealed... read more

Amelia Windsor showcases her trendy style

She’s Dolce & Gabbana’s latest muse and Lady Amelia Windsor proved why the fashion world is enamoured with her as she stepped out in London on F... read more

Divorce lawyers give relationship advice

With about half of marriages ending either in divorce or in permanent separation, the industry of divorce is perhaps one of the most booming. But even if the pr... read more

Hippo gazes upon her newborn… as crocodile is nearby

Female hippo spent hours in labour on a riverbank in the Masai Mara,  Kenya Lucky group of tourists watched the baby hippo being born in the water However, it ... read more

Trump: F***ing Bannon is taking credit for my election

President Trump is said to be furious over chief White House strategist Steve Bannon’s habit of taking credit for his 2016 election. In ‘Devil’... read more

Heather Heyer’s mom says she doesn’t want to talk to Trump

Susan Bro, the mother of slain Charlottesville counter-protester Heather Heyer, slammed President Trump in a Friday morning interview with GMA  When asked if s... read more

Pilot Eva Claire Marseille has a huge Instagram following

Meet the stunning blonde pilot who has accrued more than 67,000 Instagram followers with her non-stop adventuring in the skies and on land. Incredible pictures ... read more

Using conditioner after a nuclear attack is lethal

When North Korea threatened to send nuclear missiles to Guam, the island’s inhabitants received a strange order from defence experts: Don’t use cond... read more

Backpacker on becoming a Taliban guest in Pakistan

It’s certainly a less-trodden path, but that’s exactly why one intrepid backpacker wanted to do it.  Rico Chee, a 25-year-old Malaysian writer and ... read more

Department stores in North Korea after economic revolution

The Stalinist autocracy of North Korea might be attracting a lot of attention for its plans to attach a nuclear warhead to a ballistic missile – but the r... read more

Barcelona security chiefs rejected Las Ramblas barriers

Barcelona security chiefs rejected calls last year to install barriers at Las Ramblas to protect pedestrians from an attack by terrorists in a vehicle, it emerg... read more

Trans soldier told to revert back to woman after Trump ban

A transgender solider says he was told that he must carry out the rest of his military career as a woman if he wants to keep his job. Hayden Brown says that ju... read more

How many retro gadgets do you recognise?

Nostalgia fans have been sharing their much-loved retro gadgets online Answering machines and pagers have been made obsolete by mobile phones Record adapter tha... read more

Leaked Samsung sales brochure reveals Galaxy Note 8 specs

A Samsung leaflet apparently intended for their Australian market has been leaked ahead of the much anticipated launch of the Galaxy Note 8. With less than a we... read more